Content Management Policy.

Content Management Policy

Koha, a pioneering online takoha platform, empowers users to create events for seeking and receiving donations, aimed at supporting causes within New Zealand. Our platform is built on the belief that the freedom to express generosity in diverse ways should not be hindered by unnecessary censorship. To this end, we diligently monitor and address any abuses that could undermine our mission to facilitate free and secure giving and receiving.

1. Content Integrity

As part of the Koha community, it is paramount that all users engage with our service responsibly, legally, and with respect. Koha is subject to terms of use through our integration with Stripe, therefore these conditions are also applied to users of Koha. When contributing content, please ensure it does not:

  1. Violate any third party's intellectual property rights.

  2. Harm Koha or Takoha Limited's reputation, or that of other users or partners.

  3. Mislead regarding the nature or benefits of any Koha event.

  4. Include false, defamatory, or outdated information.

  5. Promote illegal activities or incite unlawful acts. (See Stripe definitions for information)

  6. Exploit vulnerable groups.

  7. Contain offensive language, imagery, or innuendos related to sex, morality, race, or violence.

  8. Spread inflammatory or demeaning opinions.

  9. Share identifiable third-party information without consent (parental consent required for minors).

  10. Falsely represent your identity or affiliation.

  11. Engage in spamming activities.

  12. Promote surveys, raffles, or unsolicited commercial messages.

  13. Facilitate sales or expect a return on investment contrary to the spirit of Koha.

  14. Disrupt the service or introduce harmful software.

  15. Be generally harmful or offensive to the community.

2. Moderation for Quality

Our moderation process is thorough, ensuring only approved events are publicly accessible. This includes:

  • Verifying the identities and intentions of account owners and events.

  • Ensuring content adheres to our guidelines for decency, legality, and respect for privacy.

  • Reviewing for clear, lawful fundraising intentions and beneficiary consent.

Koha aims to moderate events within three business days, depending on content complexity and communication clarity.

3. Giver Validation

Any mihi, acknowledgements or messages left by Givers to the event will be moderated to ensure it adheres to all content policy intent.

4. Data Security

User-provided data is securely locked post-submission to prevent unauthorized edits, safeguarding the fundraising process's integrity.

5. No Endorsement Policy

Koha does not endorse any content posted on the platform, maintaining a neutral stance.

6. Givers Responsibility

Givers bear sole responsibility for their donation decisions, encouraged to support events aligning with their values.

7. Reporting and Enforcement

We urge our community to report any content or events believed to violate our guidelines. Koha is committed to investigating reported concerns promptly and taking necessary actions, including content removal or event cancellation, to maintain a safe and respectful platform.

By participating in the Koha community, you contribute to a culture of respect, legality, and genuine generosity. Your adherence to these policies ensures Koha remains a trusted platform for meaningful giving and receiving.

8. Intellectual Property Rights 

Koha is committed to respecting intellectual property rights. Users must ensure they have the appropriate rights or permissions for any copyrighted material they wish to share on the platform. If you believe your intellectual property has been infringed upon on Koha, please contact us immediately at with detailed information, and we will address the issue promptly.

9. Community Engagement 

We encourage a positive and respectful community engagement on Koha. Users are expected to interact with one another in a constructive manner, respecting diverse opinions and backgrounds. Harassment, bullying, or any form of discrimination will not be tolerated and may result in action being taken against the offending account.

10. Updates and Changes to the Policy 

Koha reserves the right to update or modify this Content Management Policy at any time. Significant changes will be communicated to users through our website and, where appropriate, via email notification. We encourage users to review the policy regularly to stay informed about our content guidelines.

11. Contact Information for Concerns 

For any concerns or questions regarding content on Koha, or to report potential breaches of this policy, please reach out to us directly at Our team is dedicated to addressing your concerns and ensuring a safe platform for all users.

12. Appeals Process 

If you disagree with a moderation decision or action taken against your content or event, you have the right to appeal. Please submit your appeal to, including any relevant details or information supporting your case. Our review team will consider your appeal carefully and respond with a decision as quickly as possible.