Privacy policy.

Takoha Abletech Privacy Policy

Prepared by Michelle Harvey - Privacy Officer

April 2024 version 1

Privacy Policy

Takoha Abletech Limited (“us”, “we”, or “our”) provides software as a service under the brand “” (Services) to the public. This document informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the Personal Information we collect from event creators and givers.

Information being collected

Customer Information 

During the event onboarding process and during the koha giving process, we may collect information from each party (Customer Information). This information is used by Takoha Abletech for the primary purpose of successfully delivering the service subscribed to.

The Customer Information collected may include: 

  • Customer name

  • Customer Email

  • Organisation name 

  • Charity/Organisation IRD Number

  • Key contact(s) name 

  • Key contact(s) email address 

  • Key contact(s) phone number 

  • Billing name 

  • Billing email address(s) 

  • Billing phone number(s) 

  • Billing address

  • IP Address

Each party undertakes to comply with their respective obligations under the Privacy Act 2020 in relation to any personal information contained in the Customer Data.  The Customer is also responsible for ensuring that Takoha Abletech may lawfully use, process, disclose and otherwise handle such personal information in connection with the provision of the Services and for any other purpose permitted by the Customer in writing.
Stripe Connect will also collect customer information for the purposes of identification and to enable payouts. Stripe’s Privacy Policy is able to be accessed here.

Consumer Information 

We may obtain consumer (giver) information in the process of providing services. This will only be used for its intended purpose and will be removed once it is no longer required.  

Any consumer information being transmitted or transferred will first be encrypted and will only be provided to properly authorised parties.

Storage of Collection Information 

Customer Information may be stored in third party cloud-based platforms such as Google Drive, Gmail, MS Teams, Slack and is subject to these providers' policies and controls.

Information may also be stored on Takoha Abletech company devices such as laptops and becomes subject to our policies relating to Internet and Device Usage and Information Security.

Access to Stored Information 

Takoha Abletech restricts staff access to Customer Information through restricted role based access, requiring 2 factor authentication and IP restricted access.

Takoha Abletech applies role based access in which only Takoha Abletech employees who require access to systems and data (Customer or Consumer or both) for the purposes of completing functions of their job are provided with this access.

Role based access is IP Address restricted and requires  2 factor authentication.

Use and Disclosure of Data

Takoha Abletech will not use Customer or Consumer data for any secondary reasons or disclose the data to any third parties unless an exception applies. Exceptions include:

  • if the Customer has consented to the use (or disclosure) of the data for the secondary purpose (e.g for onboarding purposes into Stripe).

  • if we deem it to be reasonably necessary for enforcement-related activities to be carried out by or on behalf of an enforcement body.

  • if we are required or authorised to under New Zealand law or a court or tribunal.

We may use your customer data in the following circumstances:

  • We need to communicate about your Koha activities.

  • We need to enforce our Terms.

  • We need to comply with legal obligations, including AML/CFT regulations.

Data Analytics 

We use the following third-party analytics to understand user behaviour and improve our service, ensuring data privacy and security.

  • Google Analytics

  • LogRocket

Updating Your Information 

You have the right to access and update your personal information at any time. Contact us for assistance with any changes.

Protecting Your Information 

We take measures to secure your personal information but remind you to protect your login details and practise safe online behaviour.

Communication Preferences 

You control the communications you receive from us, with options to unsubscribe from non-essential emails.

Compliance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 

Your registration constitutes consent to receive electronic messages related to Koha.

Use of Cookies 

Koha uses session cookies to improve your experience on our site, enhancing functionality and security.

Updates or amendments to the Privacy Policy

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, in our sole discretion, and the most current version will be made available to you on request. 

Contact Us

If you wish to make an enquiry or complaint in relation to how your information has been handled, please contact Takoha Abletech via any of the following options.

  • Email:

  • Post: 10/22 Bay Road, Kilbirnie, Wellington 6022 , Aotearoa

Review Date: April 2024

Reviewer: Michelle Harvey